Things to be remembered in life.

Your Goal: what you want to achieve in life
If someone asks me what's the goal in your life? I would say live a happy life, make other's life happy too, and be a good human being. However, you won't hear the same answer from each person. Some will say achieve success, big home, big car, lavish life, to become doctor, astronaut, pilot, etc. All the answers are correct in their respective field. But I would ask them what would be after that. Our goals should not be fixed but grow as we grow in our life. Once achieved we look forward to achieving another one. Before setting your goal think first How I will contribute my success to the welfare of society? How I can help the needy? Since not everybody born with a silver spoon. We see clearly with our naked eyes but still, we close our eyes or ignore such people who really need a little support to stand on their feet. Our ultimate goal is to be a helper to the needy one. So, I would advise set your goal according to your principles and be a helpful person to needy people. This way your goal will fulfill happiness in others' life.

Passion: what you love to do

Passion is what we love to do like my passion is to advise and motivate others, some will say singing, adventuring, writing, blogging, photography, etc. Some times in a busy life we forget what we actually love to do and this way our life ends. We regret later in life while depending on others that I wish I had followed my instinct and live life according to my own principles and enjoy what I love to do. But here time is gone. So before its too late do what you want to do, what actually your interset is. You never know when your passion will become your profession and you will start earning following your dreams. Do not ignore what you love and wish to achieve in life, have patience, and follow what you expert in. Your talent is unique and you are different from others. Always be you no matter how life changes you but you don't change for others only change you need to bring in your life is leave bad habits and accept a good one. Your passion has to be your brand and you are the brand ambassador of your own life. No one can beat you if you put yourself thoroughly into it.

“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. ”
— Aristotle
Struggling days: your best teacher
Life is full of hurdles, challenges, and difficulties and almost everyone has to jump and clear it. Think not only you are facing problems if problems come in your life take it as a lesson and learn from it. Your struggle will never go waste. Life is full of surprises and you will be overcome from it like weather, your bad days also will not remain permanent. Patience is the key to success in life. Try all the methods in life to solve your problems and engage your self in some work, be in touch with your loved ones and your close friends, talk and express your feeling. Don't live alone; be with someone always. Learn with recent cases that occur in India with Bollywood star Shushant Sing Rajput, who committed suicide because of depression and the reason we don't know yet. The reason may be anything, One should not commit suicide. Suicide is not the solution to your problem, its the end of life. Face your problems do not run from it. You will not get the answer as you wish. However, results will come if you have a little bit of patience. The successful person not who never fails but the one who never quit or give up in life.
"Your best teacher is your last mistake"
— A.P.J Abdul Kalam

Your family :
One of the important parts of life is our family who may be parents, wives, or kids. One should give enough time to the family in a busy lifestyle. Family is the one who supports us in our bad times especially our parents so never hurt them or ignore them. We are all in this world because of them. They nourish us from childhood till we become something in our life and made us capable to fight in this world. Support your family no matter how the world reacts with you like how they supported you in your childhood days. The situation about many parents are bad nowadays and they have to live their life in old age homes, I am asking why? Why kids throw them out of the home like a piece of paper. My advice to all the parents to love, scold, and teach equally to all your kids do not excess in anything. How you treat your child they exactly behave in the same way. Act before them carefully and nourish them with love. My advice to youngsters takes care of your parents as they have no one to help except you. Care them how they care for you in your childhood.

Your purpose :
what's your life purpose
No one has ever realized what is our purpose is in our life. The purpose is not the goal which everybody chasing, it is not the passion even, it's not even our likes or dislikes. The purpose is connected to our life. Did we realize? why we are here (on earth)? and who brought us here to struggle and suffer in this life? The answer is no one except few people on earth. According to my own opinion, our purpose is to live for others and serve your lord as he asked us to do. Do not change in his instruction as he provided us the books in the form of, Bible, Quran, Gita, Grants, and Vedas. Read and act as we are asked to do in life. The purpose should to live and let live, forget and forgive, Down to earth always, Smile and give a hand to needy one. Don't be greedy for anything, in the end, we have to leave earth and gone forever without any return ticket. The purpose is not your wishes it's your way of life how you live it.

Your teacher:
The teachers play an important role in our life. They are our second teacher after our mother. All our teachers' motto or purpose towards their students is to teach and make us capable to live life and stand on our feet. They are the first ones who share their knowledge and experience with us. We all are here because of parents and our best teachers who taught us values of life. They are in fact leaders who lead a big team. We all celebrate teachers' day with respect to our teachers and some students will eventually become teachers in their life. It's not an easy job its actually the responsibility of the whole class and their future is depending on teachers teaching. Whatever children learn in their class it reflects on their career. Everybody has their best teacher and they remember them always. However, our first teacher is our mother please respect her and her sacrifices to give a beautiful life to live.

Find Yourself :
Do not forget that you have your own life to live and God has given you a free will to do whatever you want. Live and enjoy your life to the full extent. Do what your heart tells you and follow your dreams. You know yourself better than anybody else. You can do anything. Do not underestimate yourself, respect your own decisions no matter its wrong or right. If right then it's good for you if wrong then learns from it. The person cannot respect others if he can't respect his own decisions made in his life. Give yourself enough time, go for an adventure, do whatever your desires are if time runs out and you still there, it means you miss the opportunity which life gave you. Money is not everything in life, materialistic life doesn't give you long term happiness and even little thing gives you happiness do it no matter what others think of that. People always look for mistakes its their nature. But you don't become like them if you see any good thing appreciate it and take and apply in your life.

''Be you" always!!!

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”
—Steve Jobs


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