Disadvantage of keeping lot of Money in your Banks.

Keep Gold Secretly

Hi, my Viewers!!! I hope you are enjoying my blogs and benefiting yourself. I would only present honestly everything about what is true and false news about GOLD. You can fully trust me and I am not writing all my blogs just to give knowledge about the topic which I carefully selected But to make you aware that times come when everything will be digitalized and everything will be on your fingertips, Sounds Good rights!! but in fact, it's quite dangerous. I will explain to you step by step. 

Before that, if you need more information on Gold please visit https://blog.feedspot.com/gold_blogs/.

Later in the near future, some commodities like Gold, Diamonds, cured oil, and Platinium will be in full demand. These are limited resources and but you will be secure if you have all these.

Like I said before everything will be digitalized and you will not have cash in hand. Protect yourself before its too late. Buy Gold and keep it secretly. I would tell you a story that is based on GOLD soon in my blog's stay tune. It gives you for sure an Idea Why we need to buy gold or other commodities to save ourselves. You will free yourselves to pay heavy taxes also.


You can see in this video how your life will be without money if you're unable to walk on earth. 
If you haven't read my previous blogs on GOLD please visit here.

So, I was discussing keeping money in banks is not safe now. Once everything goes digitalization nothing will be in reverse and everybody can purchase through either from their cards or Govt will make it through the "AADHAR" card or other cards. Eventually, all the items will be on your fingertips.

Now, the situation is under control and it's not going to happen soon. But your generations will suffer and they will blame you for sure. Then they can't raise their voice against Govt if they do not like something or if something is going wrong they can't fight back. Since everything is controlled by all the Govt and even if you raise your voice they will disconnect you from all services and you will not be able to buy food and your children will die with hunger. I am not scaring you but waking you up from sleep. And start investing in vital commodities.

Investing in  Gold is so vital in our life that you will not realize now but soon you will. Soon we will discuss why all the banks have lots of GOLD and you won't keep much. Please advise me on what you need more information about gold. 

Refrain Keeping a bulk amount of money in banks. Invest in GOLD. Follow the link here easy way to invest.



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