Artificial Intelligence

                                What is AI?

What is real Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is nothing but a robot who behaves like a human, thinks like a human, and works as a human, for example, SOPHIA, I believe all you know about her. She has her first public appearance in 2016 by Hanson Robotics. She got her first citizenship from Saudi Arabia in Oct-2017. This is the first machine talks like humans and she is in fact made to replace humans' work.                                  

AI has its own advantage and disadvantage. we will discuss below and like I said before in my previous blogs about digitalization, Similarly AI will work for us to avoid human error. We are towards perfection and accuracy but it doesn't exist. Soon AI will be every field. Our work becomes so easy to handle and without an error.


Advantage of AI


Reduce Human Effort


Life will become easier, work only a few hours and the rest load will be taken by robots. We can give enough time to our family and friends. It makes us more social to society. This will give us time to explore more in a different field for example Space, Medical etc. we can utilise them in military and medical feild also


Accuracy in Work

We, humans, do a lot of mistakes and sometimes repeat the same mistake. Robots will constantly work 24 hrs without an error, which brings more production. For example, if we want to know exact details we get it with speed and accuracy whereas humans may stretch the truth if actual could get us in trouble. They get us actual footage in front of us without any alteration. The quality of work will improve and even quantity. We can solve the space equations in matter of seconds. We can build super computers with the help of AI. Eventually we will have the powers to do anything as we can't do as humans.


Absolute Guide on Artificial Intelligence Role in Digital ...

Environment Friendly

Robots require less place as compared to humans, it saves natural resources such as petrol, diesel, and water. So far robots aren't prepared as eco-friendly norms. However, engineers are working on it to make it more eco-friendly. In fact, two of Britain's Reacher’s Dr. Jonathan Rossiater and Dr. Ionnis from the University of Bristol have been working towards Biodegradable Robots which decomposes, they are based on BRl- Bristol Robotics Laboratory.

           Benefits of artificial intelligence for the environment – Clickworker

Disadvantage of AI

Disadvantages of artificial intelligence (AI) in recruitment ...

 Addiction towards Machine


If robots will take over our jobs, this is a piece of bad news for our health, we will become lazy to work. Obesity will be seen in many of us and we will depend again on machines. We will have health problems and soon we will be unfit for own requirement.




As per Oxford University, up to 20 million people will lose their job by 2030. The human resources expert says in retail and checkout place will be more affected. However, it will change the way how humans used to work. However, it will only increase jobs in the field of AI, this results only for educated ones and people are less educated will be targeted. As you all aware in airports everything will be scanned by machines, like if you noticed "your boarding pass has self-generated by machine and can be used to pass through all gates with the help of QR code. Few areas where jobs will be affected like, travel agents, cashiers, librarians, courier service, call centres, textile workers and the printing press. Countries like the US, China & Japan will be the firsts in the race of losing jobs, as per analysis 6% of US citizens lose by 2030.


When AI will be in full flow, we will be giving quality of service to the customer, the only thing we will lack in our emotion and trust factor like humans. Intelligence cannot be replaceable, similarly emotion can't be replaceable but with the help of face detection robots could imitate humans as they behave. However, they can't do anything by themselves. Humans cant replace the human touch or the human heart. AI may become threat to human beings in future. So be aware.

A.I. and Unemployment: Which Cities Face Biggest Impact

This blog explained what our life will become if AI overtakes us. Before this comes educate your children to be smart and be aware of all this. Soon we will lose our jobs and competition will rise. It affects our bread and butter. Start Saving Now for your children and secure their future.

Hope this blog will enhance your knowledge and encourage you to find a path.


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